Rizzoli Krink New York City / Novoid Plus Skip to main content

RIZZOLI Krink New York City. Craig Costello, aka KR, grew up in Queens, New York, where graffiti was part of the landscape and a symbol of the city. While living in San Francisco, he quickly garnered attention when his signature "KR" tag popped up throughout the city. As he became one of the more prominent figures on the streets on NYC and San Francisco, he began to hone his craft by creating better tools launching his own line of homemade markers and mops, combining his moniker KR with the word INK. In KRINK: GRAFFITI, ART, AND INVENTION, Costello has compiled a visual memoir: from his early days of the '80s and '90s and launch with the hip New York City retailer Alife, which put his brand on the map, to his evolution as an artist and high-fashion collaborator.

Publisher / Rizzoli Books.

Hard Cover

240 pages.

Dimensions : 31 x 23 x 2 cm.